Saturday, September 10, 2011


So when I asked /jp/ about ideas for this project, which I shall refer to as Milk Tea, I ended up hearing some ideas that really would lead the game in a different direction than I had in mind. However, I may try to include some ideas in the game in the form of dreams. In the dreams (or perhaps even nightmares) of the main character,  many different things can happen that may not make as much sense otherwise. I'm hoping that Milk Tea will be considered a project for anyone that would like to help rather than a project for just me, so please feel free to share any ideas that could be used in dreams in the comments.

Edit: Perhaps this is how danmaku could be included.


  1. I definitely believe that danmaku should be kept to dreams. As far as original dream ideas go, I can't think of any good ones. It'd be humorous though if the little girls could have dreams about having tea parties with the 3D men that control them.

    Since there will be dreams, will there be some sort of Day/Night Cycle that the game switches between after every hour of play, or maybe just an option of whether or not you would like for it to be day or night? Perhaps some magical item that changes whether it's light or dark outside?

  2. I definitely want to have a way for time to progress, but how that will happen is something I'm unsure of. I think it will be controlled by the player because I don't want the player to feel like time is limited. I just think it is important to have night and day as well as day to day progression. Developing relationships throughout a single infinite day just wouldn't feel right.
