Saturday, September 10, 2011


Thank you for leaving comments on this blog. It is helpful to have others to discuss ideas with and even more helpful to have those ideas posted on this blog since the comments will be permanent here whereas comments in a thread on /jp/ are not. Please continue to leave comments from time to time. Your encouragement and participation will help make sure that Milk Tea turns out well.


  1. Perhaps you should make two separate games. The first being the little girl simulator, and the other being the quest to rid the world of ghosts.

    You could reuse the art from the first game and you wouldn't have to worry about things like enemy design until you got to the second game. Also if you made the first game 4-directional and the 2nd game 8-directional you wouldn't have to make half of the character art until the second game(this might be dangerous though, since you may accidentally make too many outfits). You might want to leave things like danmaku out until the second game too.

  2. Yeah, it would probably be better to focus on the non-adventure segment for now. Otherwise I'll end up making a huge game and possibly cutting out aspects of each segment for the sake of making everything work together. I'll suggest the idea in a new post and see what people think of the idea.
