Project /jp/ Milk Tea started a year ago on this day, September 9th. A lot has happened since then and the rate of progress has accelerated significantly. What started as a few ideas in the head of one has become a serious project, that is being worked on by a development team, and several others are hoping to see completed. /jp/ Milk Tea is a love letter to /jp/ and also to others like us. It is a warm cup of tea for those that thirst for it.
This is much more to us than a video game. When I work on ideas for /jp/ Milk Tea, I try to make them more than simply satisfactory. I strive to make each aspect have its own special charm. The others that have been working on this project do the same. They have the potential to truly make this project flourish.
We appreciate your continued support. Thank you. Let's work hard to make /jp/ Milk Tea a success.
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